Purpose of Test
The heated plate method evaluates the drying rate of fabric based on the evaporative rate that happens when a fabric absorbs a given amount of water and is placed on a heated plate set at 37°C and air-dried at a controlled flow.
The temperature used is equivalent to human skin temperature when the body starts to perspire.
This test method was designed for various types of fabrics, like:
- Knits
- Woven
- Non-woven
- Fabric for end-product items
Terminology Defined
Drying Rate – This is controlled by the rate at which the heat is applied to the fabric, the rate at which the moisture is released from the surface, and the rate at which the moist air is removed from the fabric.
Heated Plate Method – The test method used for identifying the drying rate of fabric by using a heated plate.
AATCC 201 Drying Rate Tester – A professionally designed equipment used for determining the drying rate of fabrics using the heated plate method.

Test Method
Materials Used for Test
- Test specimen
- Water
- AATCC 201 Drying Rate Tester
Testing Procedure
A certain amount of water is absorbed by the test specimen which is placed on a hotplate surface. The drying rate is evaluated with a drying rate tester under standard test conditions.
Test Procedure (Summary)
Part 1: Water absorption: The test starts with the delivery of 0.2 ml of water to the test specimen that’s laid onto a hotplate surface set at 37°C.
Part 2: Calculation of the drying rate tester: The drying rate tester calculates the drying rate over time. Upon completion of the test, it measures the test specimen’s drying rate under standard test conditions.